Must complete a total of 900 combined hours + 100 practice hours.
To be eligible to apply, candidates are required to complete a prerequisite of 50 hours prior to submitting their application. These prerequisite hours must receive approval before they can be counted towards the total. If approved, candidates will then need to complete 850 combined hours plus the 100 practice hours. If the prerequisite hours are not approved, an additional 50 hours will be added, bringing the total to 950 combined hours plus the 100 practice hours.
Once accepted into the C1 A/ B program, candidates are required to complete either 900 or 950 combined hours along with the 100 practice hours, totaling 1000 or 1050 hours of complete hours of study.
The combined hours include both lecture and technique classes attended on-campus or off-campus.
(refer to On/Off Campus section).
Lecture courses are scheduled from September through the second week of December, with classes held on
Mondays at 6 PM MT, 5 PM PST, and 8 PM EST.
Additionally, candidates will have 1-4 pop-up lecture classes lasting seventy-five minutes on Saturdays from 11 AM to 12:15 PM throughout the semester (specific dates to be determined).
All candidates must also participate in three in-person technique intensives, known as Cyphers
of their choice. Candidates do not have to attend Cyphers in succession however each
candidate must complete three Cyphers. The Winter Cypher typically occurs in the second week
of December, and the Spring Cypher is generally held on the first weekend of May (dates to be
confirmed). These annual intensives provide candidates with direct instruction from renowned
Street Dance Pioneers and educators associated with Rennie Harris University (RHU).
C1 A & B candidates are required to create a comprehensive syllabus and lesson plan for both
the history and street dance technique components. C1 candidate is required to create a
comprehensive Syllabus and lesson plan for technique only. Those with a history focus must
also create a comprehensive syllabus and lesson plan for lecture. Additionally, C1, C1 A & B
candidates are expected to teach a technique class as part of their final assessment, which
should cover basic rhythms, intergenerational rhythms, and popular social and party dances
such as Hip-hop and House foundational techniques and movement vocabulary.
Upon fulfilling the required hours, attending and participating in the three Cyphers, and
developing syllabi and lesson plans, candidates will receive a Certificate indicating that they
have met all the requirements of the Rennie Harris University Street Dance Certificate program.
This certification qualifies them to lecture and/or teach foundational Hip-hop (p) and/or House
dance. The certificate will also specify additional qualifications:
C1 certificate holder are approved to teach beginner, and intermediate.
C1 (A) indicates that the certificate holder is approved to teach at higher learning institutions, as well as adult students at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.
C1 (B) share the same requirements of C1 (A) but denotes that the certificate holder is approved to teach K-12 students.
**Furthermore, the certificate will reflect the holder’s area of focus, whether it be History,
Technique, or both, as well as any additional style focus (refer to Style Focus section).
Candidates must complete a total of 600 combined study hours along with 100 practice hours, totaling 700 hours.
It is important to note that there is no prerequisite of 50 hours required before applying for the C2 Certificate. A holder of the C2 Certificate receives a Completion Certificate, which verifies that they have fulfilled the necessary hours of study.
The C3 Certificate provides public access to the lecture series, Pop-Ups, and Cyphers, with registrants responsible for paying in full for each series as they participate.
The first series is the 5th Element Lecture Series, featuring lectures from esteemed academics and pioneers in street dance and the African Diaspora.
This series runs for 15 weeks, taking place every Monday at 6 PM MT, 5 PM PST, and 8 PM EST. Additionally, C3 registrants can enroll in Pop-Up lecture classes on Saturdays from 11 AM to 12:15 PM throughout the semester (exact dates to be announced).
C3 registrants are also welcome to attend weekend Cyphers during the Winter, Spring, and/or summer sessions (please refer to the “Pricing” section for details on the 5th E, Pop-Up, and Cyphers). If a C3 registrant can upgrade status to C1,C1:A,C1:B or C2 atany time.
If approved all hours completed will go toward the required certificate hours of study.